On War

For those who think they are doing great job doing all the masculine war activity by bombarding innocent souls with lethal weapons and fear, I should say that there is no one more coward then them.  Those who think to win other person or rule some country with military power cannot do since every human will fight for his/her freedom.  The fight for freedom will never end. Sowing seeds of hatred will bring hatred only. It can never bring peace.  Those world leaders who think they are strong because they can press nuclear buttons anytime or those who think that they are biggest alliance and no one can conquer them then they are mistaken, since they are already defeated when they thought of such provocations and violence.  Whom they want to win? If they even can’t win themselves, their anger, their lust and sufferings.  One cannot rule anybody with hatred and fear.  Only with love, and that too arising out of inner awakening, will bring world peace and harmony.  (Mr. Putin and the counterpart thought process:) I am the superpower, I can do anything and everything since I have got N number of Nuclear bombs and N number of fighter jets and N number of weapons and slaves or soldiers or what not.  I awake daily and just take overview of military positions and oversee my all strategies and military power position.   Oh my Army devastated this city?  that’s wonderful!!! Oh my men killed so many opponent country civilians, that’s great job our army has done.  I am worried how fast I can win over every body, rule and threaten ever body. Oh I made them realize that - be with me else I won’t forgive you, Oh I relieved my fear of invasion, now my country is safe.  Oh I realized that I am the superpower and can rule and invade any country with all my men and machines.   I wake up in stress, sleep in stress to earn what’s my SO called IMAGE that either I have built or people have about me in their mind.  I and my countrymen are daily building and rebuilding our newer images. All to satisfy mine and own ego and lust!!!  (Here I means the X body who is fighting for all these worldly pleasures). What you creating ? hatred, violence and anarchy? You will repent in your next incarnation about what you did and what made you, what you would be then with this karma.  Since you don’t understand that your soul and other’s soul are same.  Who’s is the Enemy? & Who is a Friend? The body has all the enemies and friends and the entire ego and all the boundaries and all the citizenships and passports and country and what not!!!  Man o man leave that, you won’t last, neither your image nor your body, All men have become history so you would be.  Even World conquerors and all the past leaders are buried deep down and have lost everything they owned, so you would.  You cannot win over anybody unless you win yourself, once you win yourself you never be in this body.  So you leave the dirty clothes to get new holy look and achieve Nirvana, the place from where you are relieved of this birth-death cycle.  Come to me, sit and relax, meditate, forget and forgive, be in the present, breath in and out and feel your soul and futility of the worldly possessions and cravings and watch how the world is in misery with the feeling that you got.  Be with love, compassion, truth, non-violence, good feeling for everybody, the thought that bhavtu sabb mangalam, Sabka Mangal ho, sab ka bhala ho, sabko Mukti mile, sab ka kalyan ho!! Feel the vibrations within and realize how impermanent we are at the quantum level.  How we are the waves and particles, if you understand that tech language.  Feel the truth from inside out, not to prove anything, just to experience the truth.  How you are repeating all you have done again and again? How you are just not living in the Present? How you could be happy and filled with love and compassion? How you could send vibrations of happiness and love all across the Universe? How you can be free from all the bondages? How you are clinging to the impermanent miseries and happiness.  Earth is the only place mankind knows can accommodate life with peace and these weapons of destruction are destroying every good creativity and life around.   You would be more fearful and unhappy with all the violent fight and war around.  So, you are so miserable and unhappy from inside that you need our love and compassion, be at peace, be out of misery.   Come child and sit with me in deep silence of solitude, thoughtless and bodiless.   Live and let others live. “Bhavtu Sabb Mangalam” Sabka Mangal Ho… Sabki Mukti ho…-Mrunal Goswami

On Peace: 

Why all humans can't leave weapons and start searching for the inner peace? We have very beautiful earth , beautiful mountains, rivers, wildlife, nature and very short life. NASA and all space operations lead by SCIENCE world have not found any single life in the Universe. If we have this only earth to live and leave than why we spoil it by creating disasters? Why we promote Militarization and accumulation of Weapons. If they are for our defense they may also be virtually wipe of other nation. If we are strong and rich doesn't mean that we oppress the weaker. Since this is happening in all world around even countries think they being big and Superpower can do anything and everything. DID we notice how a smallest miniscule virus brought Disaster to Human Life? than who is SUPER POWER as we call BIG and giant Most Advanced ECONOMIES ?? NO one is big all leveled humans. We are all very small and very poor as compared to the whole universe. We need to thank daily the Almighty for giving us LIFE, The Sun, Water to drink. Now it's our responsibility how we distribute all natural resources equally and beneficially to all human and other lives. We need to Become Human first than any other national , citizen or any religious follower or any other parameter of differentiation. If English is good language and majority of world uses and expresses their feeling in the language what's bad in that?? If we can use Technology or product of any American or russian or Chinese or japanese or korean or or any damn country, for the betterment of human kind and distributing the resources to the world than there is nothing bad in that. Why we use the technology for Wrong purpose? Do we think we are too advanced than the Nature laws. If we inflict problems on others than how we can be safe? The same creates problems even for us. So, if a country attacks other country than it's also Suicide in a case where even they can't survive any attacks in future and the war seeds sown now will grow in big hatred in futures. Any ukranian will never forgive russian for this attack and the impact will last more than 500 years since War has no end. Even we as a country should think and implement Vasudhev kutumbakam for all the world, even say Pakistan since they are also not our enemies, we share lot of cultural and historic values with all smallest neighbourhood countries. So, Forget and forgive. Ahinsa parmo dharma. If we can utilize the same money spent wrongly in buying weapons and war equipment, in creating happiness, peace, building meditation centres, nutritious food and medicines for all than we have much more happy world around. If someone has become any country's president or PM that doesn't mean he is the most intelligent and best person in that country. Still they need to find out the right person... So, again Peace and harmony . Bhavtu Sabb Mangalam..

By Mrunal Goswami... (Director, Ganjbazar Pvt. Ltd.)


I am sharing some of my learning’s/ experiences from Meditations. Gautam Budhha, having origins in India, gave world the teaching the path to relieve oneself from the never ending birth-death Cycle. The path of Nirvana. How to relieve ourselves from desires and control our senses. How to identify our subconscious and purify inner deep impressions on our soul and character. He gave world the path towards relieving ourselves from Miseries. What are miseries? Are just our thoughts? Are they imaginations? or they are physical and practical matter. Whatever would be your miseries, they are related to your past experiences or worries of future. Yes you have some physical pain or craving in present. But, if we learn the detachment technique, i.e. observing our body neutrally, from inside out, what we see is we are just observer and if we practice this we are just a observer and not part of any sufferings or cravings.

If we daily meditate and continuously observe our breath then one day, we can see different body sensations getting released from our body or evaporating, we see they were due to our long lasting habits of attachment or Hatred. We are attached to good feelings out of our sensations and respond by hate to our bad feelings or sensations. If we just observe and bear the pain. The pain becomes less and doesn’t aggravate. Everything is temporary as we see the world and so the body and so the related feelings and conditions. Nothing is Permanent. Not even your sorrows and worries. This is called ANITYA Bhavna (the impermanence). Bhavtu sabb Mangalam.

If you think you are in problem, and see the homeless beggar sleeping besides road side, you realize you are better off. We usually compare and if that comparison is the root of our unhappiness then rethink. You are just on road towards destination, someone ahead and someone lagging.  But what if you observe all, even yourself, you may find wrong and unjustified chase. You may find what for this run and achieving for what we do not have. The Kings built big forts, fought with enemies to prevent their possessions, wether won or lost, history noted but ultimately they died. Hardly, they enjoyed one bed, one woman, one dress and one dish at a time. Even than, they never got satiated. They had to leave everything and say good bye to earth, or perhaps are still living invisibly attached. So, our possessions, companies, homes, etc. may last for more time but our life is limited. If we develop unsatisfying habits and character, we are creating one more birth for our self. But if we live undetached and renounce ourselves, we are living but not creating new Karmas. If we observe the micro feelings and sensations and know their nature of being temporary, we can never indulge.  Sufferings are our a result of our Karmas, that we have to bear. We may reduce it but not avoid it. Our response to these sufferings further creates new sufferings. So, to stop them just be an observer, they will vanish. Since it’s Natures law that nothing is permanent. Not even our body. All our cells change after some years. This body is like an apparel that we got to leave one day. So, remaining detached will give us that understanding not to develop habits and sanskars (soul character) that may prevail in our next incarnations. Our hatred or attachment impressions from relationships may get printed in our brains and soul to so deeper extent that they become a part of our next life. And it’s never ending suffering. If we see an ant crawling we must analyze that this minuscule creature has got only one sense and it’s journey to Humans with six senses is too far. We are already at a level where we have an option to react or not. Animals have no option but follow their instincts and suffer their birth. We may ascend or descend the hierarchy, it’s our choice.

How we attain spiritual Enlightenment? the Ultimate goal of mankind. If we want to drink purest water, we have to pass water through different layers of filters. It can be done naturally as it is done by our earth, or we do it scientifically using water purifiers. Similarly, how we can purify our souls. First we have to be physically fit and free from all addictions. Being physically fit is a prerequisite for starting the journey. Its’ not impossible for those who are not physically fit, but the body pain may hinder the spiritual realizations. We are usually body conscious all the time. It means we usually pay attention to what is happening with our body all the time. We are also concerned about cravings from our senses. Now, to divert this focus to soul is little difficult in the initial phase. Since, Soul is not apparently visible like any body part. Its’ just in our imaginations from what we have read, heard or have been taught. The same case is with our God figure. We have seen lot of statues, paintings, scriptures, read lot of description about god since our childhood. All these have created deep impressions on our subconscious. Now, how we know these impressions, for that, we have to make our body and mind quite.

We have to sit in a very quite environment, where there is least outside world disturbance in the form of noise or action. We have to maintain one steady posture like the padma aasna or any other relaxing posture. Close our eyes, ears and be silent. We have to start observing. We observe our own mind, our own body, our thoughts and most important our breath. Breath is what we have till our death and it’s just life. Without that there is no life in body. Or you are living when breathing and dead for the moment you are not breathing. So, Wind up yourself to the present moment. What you have is only your breath in the moment. Everything else is past of future. Your all thoughts are a result of knowledge acquired in the past. All your success and failure, pain and agony is related to past, future or your attachments. Your first attachment is body and mind, then the worldly possessions like clothes, car, cellphone, home, office, relatives and so on. You will observe your mind (the mann-concious) going everywhere except observing the breath and the silence. It will start thinking all. So, be silent. Silent your thoughts, but, not by force, just by observing. Once you observe your breath, you see more and more thoughts come as an obstruction in the process. So, keep focus.

Increase your frequency of breath, just to concentrate. When you do it for more time, more than one hour, your body gets stiff. Still you observe. If you are determined and ignore the pain the body and practice, slowly by slowly day by day you will get nearer to your subconscious. If you develop daily discipline of practice, one day you will see your Soul. The Light within your body. You will feel totally detached when you see the Diamond within you. Its’ not any imagination, Its’ from my own personal experience. You see your powerhouse. You see that body is not attached with the soul. It’s only we, our thoughts, our attachments that have created all these. We have created our sorrows, we have created our feelings and related sensations. So, its not theory, its practice. Practice and experience is the best teacher. Hope you get the path to experience the light within. If you develop the power source within, you can see other power sources, all the supernatural bodies and ultimately the supreme soul, the God. It’s not by imaginations, it’s by continuous practice, may be bhakti yoga, dhyan yoga, karma yoga or Gyan yog. Our objective is to reach the ultimate.

For a spiritual seeker every thought, word and action is an opportunity to choose between spreading peace or violence. Unfortunately in our busy, modern lives all of us are causing ripples of harm to wider society, animals and the environment, often without even realizing. But ignorance is not bliss for those who suffer because of us. If we are to sincerely tread on the noble path of Ahimsa (nonviolence) we must find the time to reflect, the humility to think of others before ourselves, and the resolve to make practical changes in our lives. After all ahimsa is not a passive movement to live and let live, but an active commitment to live and love. Thankfully we are not alone. As a community we can help each other by raising awareness of societal and environmental issues, and by suggesting practical ideas for a more compassionate lifestyle. “Maitri Moves” is a new series that highlights a different issue each time, to inform and inspire. Issues will include animal welfare, ethical shopping, mental health, water conservation and climate change.  Bhavtu SABB MANGALAM. May all be HAPPY and good.

Spare your few minutes to read the book to liberate yourself.

Must read the book:
